Our journey began with a small seed of an idea.

What if we tried to grow a business that will not tax our earth?

In 2000, our founders, siblings Siew Peng and Kian Kheng (KK) Soo made a decision to leave their secure careers and take a leap of faith. Together, they shared a dream: to create a brand that will be as sustainable as it is successful; and to grow a business that will be aligned with their own ethical convictions.

With their complementary skill sets, a lot of hope and a modest capital, the company formally began operations… in Siew Peng’s kitchen! Unused pots and pans were put to good use by KK as he set up his first R&D lab and workshop.

The pilot range was rolled out with just three products: a baby oil, lotion and bath wash. This humble offering was to become the seeds of the Buds Organics brand, today the world’s largest collection of certified organic babycare products.

What if we created products that worked as nature intended?

A defining moment emerged when KK’s eldest child was born with severe eczema and sensitive skin.

Determined to find a steroid-free solution, KK threw himself into researching plant extracts and time-tested natural remedies. Harnessing the resources that he had, KK managed to formulate a body wash and lotion specifically for his daughter’s needs. The results were encouraging, with about 95% recovery in just under 4 weeks. For our family, it was a huge relief.

And for our company, it was a pivotal point that refocused our efforts on the healing power of botanicals.

baby with bunny

Whatever we offer to the world,

must first be good enough for our own cherished ones.

clothing line with

What if we walked a path of commitment to organic integrity?

As a fledgling in the vast organic products market, we knew that we would have to work much harder to gain the trust and loyalty of consumers.

How would we, as a newcomer prove our commitment to zero harmful chemicals, highest quality, cruelty-free organic products? Usage of the word ‘organic’ was largely unregulated, and the market was saturated by unscrupulous manufacturers jumping on the organic bandwagon with the least of requirements met.

We knew that certification with an internationally recognised body was the only way forward.

In 2009, we became the first Malaysian company to achieve ECOCERT certification, the gold standard worldwide in organic certification of sustainable practices.

Although the process proved to be a sharp learning curve in the beginning, it has instilled integrity into every aspect of our work.

kids measuring heigth

18 years on, we are grateful to share in the harvest with our network of partners, our community of customers, their next generation and the generations to come